Sunday, January 1, 2012

Crazy Beat

Think big. Act simply. Stay focused.

I had everything figured out three years ago, but without going through the details, it all fell apart. It didn’t mean that I was a failure, but it also did not mean I had to be content with how things were. Putting my life back together has been a struggle, but everything is now set in motion.

I don’t like giving advice, since the only life I would like to screw up is my own. However, 2012 is a transition year, and I only want to give advice to me, so it’s okay this once! Follow along if you like; it is good advice.

Think big. Act simply. Stay focused.
Create a Pretty Vacant app. Not only will you get that Amazon rep off your back, but also your fans with iPads and Kindles. Granted, you have to learn new software (I know you hate that), but focus on the extended reach with new fans and helping publishers with their bottom line as well.

Hit the curveball to the opposite field. I know you want to hit home runs, but if you use Moneyball principles with your comic book, you can use Moneyball where it’s supposed to be applied. The shortstop who bats ahead of you helps you see better pitches in the batter’s box -- enable her to cross home plate more often.

Be grateful. Grateful for the cool house by the beach, the bosses that hired you, your hands-off publishers, the new friendships replacing the ones lost, the lady jock who’s secretly a closet geek, and yes -- your family! Show your loyalty not by putting in more hours, but by working hard in the time you do have! Someday they might appreciate it.

Think big. Act simply. Stay focused.

Last year you were angry and depressed. You had good reason to be, but it’s time to get past that. Think ahead to the places you will be (San Diego, London, Paris), the people you will see (Courtney, Sandra, Maud) and the things you will do (summer movies, Comic-Con, Pretty Vacant: Final Repose Part II). And above all, have fun…

I dare you!

(Note: I worked on the top pic as a present. It's on this blog solely due to her kind permission!)


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