Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vancouver No More: A Breakdown Of "Chuck"

Now that I’m back from the Men’s Curling Final (Go, Canada!) in Vancouver, let’s break down Season 3 of “Chuck”…

With seven episodes in and twelve to go, Chuck finds himself in a different place from the end of Season Two. Chuck is a much more competent spy. In last season’s 22 episodes, Chuck saved Sarah only three times (Chuck 2.02, 2.13 and 2.22). This season has been a turnaround, with Chuck and Sarah rescuing each other an equal number of times. Chuck is still using his intersect abilities in unusual ways as the previous two episodes had Chuck saving Sarah with a nacho sampler plate and an antiquities vase.

One misstep that occurred was that the producers underestimated the desire fans have to see Chuck and Sarah together. This was evident at last year’s Comic-Con when the crowd jeered when told that Chuck and Sarah would not hook up during Season 3, so the producers should not have been caught unaware as the forums exploded in anger over “Chuck vs. The Mask” with Chuck and Sarah starting relationships with other people. Producers do have the right to run the show as they like, but they do run the risk of a backlash whenever they do something that is not to the fans' liking. The problem with “Chuck” is magnified because it is perceived that fan support convinced NBC to give “Chuck” another season. With any luck this problem will work its way out over the last twelve episodes.

With the trio (Chuck, Sarah and Casey) plus Hannah and Shaw, the supporting characters have been pushed to the side. Budget cuts have made this necessary, but I hope the lack of Morgan, Jeffster, Awesome, Ellie and Big Mike only means that the producers are saving their appearances until later in the season when episodes accelerate to a climatic season finale! With Chuck’s dad coming back for the last six episodes, it should be a wild ride to the finish.

If Season 2 was any indication, “Chuck” is saving its best episodes for Season 3 until the end. Hopefully we’ll finally see Subway tie-ins, Sarah in sexy outfits (like the nurse’s outfit in “Chuck vs. The Angel de la Muerte”) and more Jeffster! I would watch a sitcom that had just Jeff and Lester. NBC take note!

My Favorite Episode (So Far): “Chuck vs. First Class”

My Coolest Moment (So Far): Shaw being brought back to life by Awesome (“Chuck vs. Operation Awesome”)

My Favorite Fight Scene (So Far): Sarah -- in that nurse’s outfit!

Charah Scene (So Far): Sarah discovering that Chuck became a spy because of her (“Chuck vs. The Three Words”)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Chuck 3.07

“Chuck versus the Mask”

Now that I’m back from the Mask of Alexander exhibit, here are my thoughts on last night’s episode…

Chuck and Sarah finally get to hook up! Too bad it’s not with each other. Still, as a cliffhanger until March, I actually like the Chuck-Hannah and Sarah-Shaw relationships. I don’t think anyone doubts that Chuck and Sarah will be together in the long run (or perhaps episode 13), but Hannah and Shaw are likeable characters and maybe a glimpse of the relations Chuck and Sarah would have had if they didn’t meet.

The main story revolves around Team Bartowski stealing the Mask of Alexander (where the Ring has hidden a secret weapon) in an unnamed museum’s computerized vault, making good use of Hannah and Chuck’s computer skills. I liked how the theft gave us a fun triangle: Sarah is in yet another bone-crunching hand-to-hand fight with a Ring Agent as Chuck dangles from the ceiling above the artifact while Hannah unknowingly tries to get the vault doors opened remotely!

A decent episode to go out on into winter break, I was sad when Morgan discovered Chuck and Hannah making out, since Morgan had designs on her as well. At least Ellie doesn’t have to wonder why Chuck’s always disappearing for now, and Casey provided the much needed comic relief that makes “Chuck” so endearing to me!

My Favorite Line: “When do I get to blow something up?”

My Coolest Moment: The museum is off the PCH. It’s only 30 minutes from my home!

Charah Scene: Chuck and Sarah approving of each other’s newest relationship. Just breaks the heart.

She's Waiting For Me

I was late, and I had no one to blame but me.

Too many obligations.
Too many distractions.
Too many people.

Especially since the only person I wanted to see this day was Colleen, the lady who was the basis for my Gigi character. And I was running late.

I drove my car as fast and hard as I could, knowing it still wouldn’t be enough. I silently swore at every red light that made me momentarily stop. I put on a tie as best I could driving 50 miles per hour on the street. And I ignored the ring tone on my cell, as I knew it was my tax office reminding me I was late.

Forty-five minutes late. I parked, grabbed a copy of Pretty Vacant from the back seat of my car and briskly walked into my office. I fully expected Colleen to be angry, gone, or worse, having another tax preparer work on her return. I entered the room, and saw her.

Patiently waiting for me.

Pretending not to listen to the receptionist admonish me for my tardiness, I walked over to Colleen, ready to explain everything. However, Colleen saw me, rushed over to me…

… and embraced me much longer than an acquaintance should.

Without warning, my words left me. All I could whisper was, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she replied.

“But I really am sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she repeated.

Sometime after that, Colleen introduced me to her daughter and I started working on the return. As I prepared Colleen’s return, she seemed more interested in what was going on with my life (Pretty Vacant, The Dodgers, Chuck) than in her own tax refund (which was quite sizeable, by the way). During our brief time, I dominated most of the conversation, which made me apologize once again.

“I talk too much,” I confessed.

Colleen had a confession of her own: “I like hearing you talk.”

After she paid for her return, I walked Colleen and her daughter out to the parking lot. I signed her issue of Pretty Vacant, and she held me once more. I knelt down and bumped fists with her kid and stood up to watch the lady with the most amazing eyes walk away, youngster in tow.

Same time next year. Can’t wait!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Chuck 3.06

“Chuck versus the Nacho Sampler”

Now that I’m back from Weap-Con in Dubai, here are some thoughts on last night’s episode…

Every comic book or sci-fi hero has to meet his evil twin, and in this episode Chuck meets Manoosh! Manoosh is like Chuck Bartowski without the morals, and Chuck was really pained when he had to bring Manoosh down. Casey was impressed, but Sarah is worried: the man she fell in love with (because Chuck wasn’t like Casey or the other spies) is changing. I like the role reversal this season as Sarah is becoming softer while Chuck is getting harder.

It’s about time Ellie and the Buy Morians start to realize that something is up with Chuck. Even newcomer Hannah sees it. The producers want another supporting member of the cast to find out about Chuck’s secret spy life – it will be interesting to find out who it will be!

Not a feel-good episode like last week’s “Chuck versus First Class”, but an equally important one, as we saw how different Chuck’s life would have been if Sarah did not have feelings for him. And my biggest laugh of the episode came from someone I did not expect: Sarah (and that mid-riff shirt)!

My Favorite Line: “You aim carefully now, Bartowski -- don’t you make me a eunuch; otherwise I’ll teach you the meaning of ‘eye-for-an-eye!’”

My Coolest Moment: The look on Casey’s face as the trio entered Weap-Con. I wonder if I have that same face at Comic-Con or Angouleme.

Charah Scene: Chuck saving Sarah with a nacho plate. Awww...