Friday, May 20, 2016

Your Stretch Goal Dollars at Work

I have been taught over the course of my career to "Show, don't tell". It has proven to be sage advice with the few scripts I have written. The more precise the script, the better the artist has in interpreting what I want to see on the finished comic page:

Script Excerpt and Notes from Pretty Vacant: Hong Kong Bound

Because my scripts need such precision, not everything can be included in a regular 24-page comic book.  Scenes have to be cut because the story is more important.  It would be indulgent to keep a scene that doesn't add anything to the story just because it made me laugh at loud when I wrote it.

Yet every once in a blue moon I can be self-indulgent.

Thanks to my Kickstarter backers, there are four extra pages for Pretty Vacant: Hong Kong Bound!  Most of the stretch goal pages enhance the story, but the page you see below does not add much at all.  Daniel even changed the last panel from what was written to add a lighter touch to the previously gratuitous headbutt!  I am very happy that I now get to include it!

Page 14 of My Upcoming PV: HKB Comic
Gigi is well-versed in the Zinedine Zidane school of headbutting.  Have a happy headbutt day!