Friday, June 27, 2014

Trying Something New

Diane always makes everything look better!

Now that Pretty Vacant: London Calling is safely tucked away at the printers, I have some free time before Comic-Con to formally introduce the comic on this blog.  What better way to introduce it than with a friend?

I have been filling that time by watching the 2014 Brazil World Cup, where I find myself being tea-partied by Ann Coulter, who wrote that interest in soccer is a sign of this nation's moral decay.  Ouch.

I like to believe that I'm middle-of-the-road: thinking the best of people while being fiscally responsible.  I have conservative moral values but can also appreciate the liberal approach of embracing new ideas.  My favorite sport is the old-fashioned American pastime Baseball, but over the years I have learned to enjoy "The Soccer".

So what does this have to do with my comic?  Lots, actually.

I had lost interest in my Pretty Vacant series.  Seriously, how many times can the main character Gigi be subject to "a fate prettier than death"?  Yet the thought of a London setting with the book being paid for in advance was intriguing to me, so I partnered with a very good artist and with my friend Steve's support started a successful Kickstarter campaign, leading to my latest comic book.

In creating Pretty Vacant: London Calling, I combined the traditional comic method of operation (solid story, good art, professional printing) with new techniques (the personal touch, crowdfunding, sale tactic changes).  The old ways are good because they work, but the new ways give me different ways to improve.  I hope that Ms. Coulter understands this, because her 'stick with the old, no to the new' approach will leave her with a diminished readership.

As for my friend, she has very traditional core values: hard working while being the best possible parent to her son.  I'm just glad she likes Pretty Vacant and the soccer as well!